7 Tips on How To Use Pages on iPhone/iPad

Learn how to use Pages app on your iPhone or iPad today!

7 Tips on How To Use Pages App on iPhone
Apple Society

Pages is a beautiful, simple note-taking app that's great for anyone who's looking to take notes with their phone. It syncs across devices, and you can use it to annotate photos and documents.

And that’s not it, you can also create wedding invitations, and other cards using pages. If you're using Pages on an iPhone, I have mentioned a few tips that tell you how to use Pages on iPhone/iPad.

Here’s How To Use Pages on iPhone/iPad

7 Tips on How To Use Pages App on iPhone
Apple Society

Use Pages in Landscape Mode

Pages work best when you're using it in landscape mode; the screen is larger and more comfortable for writing. This is especially important if you're using an older model of iPhone—the smaller portrait view of older phones often makes text harder to read and write.

Don't Try To Type Too Much At Once

It can be tempting to type away on your phone as soon as you open Pages, but this will slow down how quickly and easily you can move through your notes.

Instead, experiment with taking notes by drawing or doodling while reading through an article or chapter in a book—you'll find that this method will allow you to keep up with the flow of what's going on without having to wait for every letter before moving on to the next line!

Document Bookmarks

Have you ever struggled to find a document on a webpage?

Document Bookmarks on Pages can help. This app lets you organize your documents and bookmark them so that you can find them later. You can also share them with friends and colleagues, so everyone has access to the same documents at the same time.

It's really easy to use—just open the app, type in the name of your document, and hit Save. Then, when you want to use it again, just search for "read" or "view" within the app and it'll show up right there!

Use Charts

Pages app allows you to create, manage, and share charts on your iPhone. It's ideal for projects that need a visual component, such as business plans and proposals.

Track Changes

In order to track changes on pages, you must first set up your page tracking system.

To do this, go to Settings > Page Tracking > Set Up Page Tracking. After you've set up your page tracking system, go to Settings > Page Tracking > Manage & Schedule Pages. Make sure that the checkbox next to each page has been checked.

Now when you make changes to a page, it will be tracked and shown in Manage & Schedule Pages.

Use Styles

Styles on pages can be a great way to make your content look more professional. This is especially true when you're creating a blog post or product review, but it's also important for any kind of site.

You can add styles to your pages by going to Settings > General > Design and selecting "Add Style." You'll then be prompted to choose a style from the drop-down menu.

The styles you select will appear in the "Page Styles" section of the menu. You can then apply your selected style by clicking on its name in the list and choosing whether or not you want it to be applied to the entire page or just that specific section of text.

Customize Toolbar

The toolbars on your pages can be customized by using the menu bar. The menu bar can be accessed by going to the top left corner of your screen, and then clicking on the icon that looks like a small speech bubble with an arrow pointing to the right.

You will see a list of options in this menu, including the option for customizing your toolbar. You can add or remove icons from this bar, as well as change their size and position.

The Bottom Line

Pages is a great app to use when you want to create wedding invites, birthday cards, or simply work on your school project! We hope you have learned some useful tips on how to use pages on iphone, iPad, and Mac. If you have any more questions, hit me up in the comments section.